Hello, I’ve Missed You Quite Terribly

Hi all! Would you believe me if I said I’ve missed you? Because I have! I seriously wish I had more time for blogging. This whole grad school thing is seriously putting a damper on my personal life and goals. Both blogging and working out have been on the back burner! Unacceptable! I’m vowing to try harder this week!

Ok so keeping track of calories last week was an obvious fail. No Weekly Wrap-Up this week. But how about another montage of what I’ve been eating? Here goes:

I left off Thursday where Daniel and I went out with his friend Garret for dinner and a few shots… after that stressful week, I need a little somethin’! Originally, we were going to get our favorite 50 cent tacos from Porter’s, a local bar in Manhattan, however, it was crowded and we were hungry! We decided to check out the newest bar, Wabash, for some eats. They were advertising 75 cent JUMBO wings. I don’t know if I ‘d agree they were jumbo, but they were tasty! I had mine with honey mustard of course! (It’s the best, in case you were unaware)(Also, excuse the blurry photos, we ate outside on their deck and it was dark)

jumbo wings

I also thought their fried shrimp appetizer sounded really appealing. It came with an asian sauce that was flavorful. I’d order this again!

fried shrimp

Friday, Daniel and I went to see GRAVITY!!! It is sooo good! And no, it’s not just Sandra Bullock floating around in space. But it is a suspenseful movie! I keep saying that I’m surprised I still have hair after watching it–the anticipation was aging killing me! But I digress, go see it! Totally worth it in 3D too. Even with the headache, it’s exciting to have things come at you from out of the screen (and yes I totally tried to dodge things).

After the movie we were starving and Panera is nearby the theater which made for an easy meal.  Did you know they have an autumn squash soup now?!? Have you tried it? It’s AMAZING! I was left wanting more. Not a fan of the seeds they put on top, but the soup is so good! I had my usual Napa Almond Chicken Salad Sandwich with it for the Pick Two.

panera chicken salad sandwich and autumn squash soup

Saturday, we failed to make it to the CrossFit intro class. AGAIN. But that’s because we went out with friends for drinks the night before and 10am always seems to be too early on a Saturday. BUT, we started P90X! More on that in a minute.

So for dinner we made more pasta with the last of our vodka sauce.  Daniel made some tilapia to go with it. I made the bread crumb mixture! I’m so helpful like that. I pulsed a slice of bread in the food processor with some lemon pepper, garlic powder, and onion powder. Then I added Panko bread crumbs to beef it up a bit with more crunch. Daniel cooked in on the stove for 8-ish minutes per side. I think that’s a little longer than usual but the pan wasn’t heated all the way when he put them on.  It came out pretty good! Breaded fish is the best.

fish and pasta

Sunday, we had some people over to watch the Chiefs’ game. Unfortunately, I was attempting to multitask and do homework at the same time so I really didn’t get a chance to watch much of the game. But I did get to eat this:


I’m sure you were expecting something more exciting than a bowl of cereal. Technically, this is Daniel’s cereal but I’ve been helping myself to it as well. With some vanilla flavored coconut milk, it is soo good! It’s so sweet, like dessert. And only 100 calories per cup! I’m sure all the sugar in it isn’t good though. I had at least 5 bowls of it this past weekend. And to be honest, I just paused my typing to make another bowl. Mmmmm….

I’ve also been snacking on a lot of these:

rice cake with laughing cow cinnamon cream chese

It’s a plain ol’ rice cake topped with Laughing Cow Cinnamon Cream Cheese.  The cream cheese makes it amazing. Also, it’s only 35 cal for the rice cake and 45 for the cream, which makes for a nice small snack when you just need a little something.

Oh and I forgot to mention, I made brussel sprouts for the first time in my life this past weekend! I HATED them growing up. I’m not sure how exactly my mom prepared them, but they were always a mushy green vegetable with bad texture and taste. However, after stumbling upon Julie’s blog, Peanut Butter Fingers, last winter, she made me believe there was hope for this little green vegetable after all. She has a recipe for roasting them in the oven. I finally got around to making them, but I didn’t follow her recipe exactly. First of all, I didn’t have minced garlic. So I tossed them in the olive oil and then dashed some garlic powder on them with the black pepper. I skipped the salt, and didn’t have balsamic vinegar either, but I like how they turned out! The smaller crunchy pieces were my favorite. And the flavor reminded me of kale. The little roasted leaves that fell off could definitely have been mistaken for kale chips. Yummy! Daniel was a fan of them too. In fact, I think he ate more of them than me! Definitely going to be making more soon!

roasted brussel sprouts

Last but not least, Sunday dinner. Lemon pepper and cajun spice tilapia with some stir fry! I added red and green pepper, zucchini, and celery to the stir fry with honey, soy and teriyaki sauce.

tilapia and stir fry

Other than my Thursday night splurge for fried food and a lot of sugary cereal, I don’t think I’ve been eating too bad.

Work Recap

We bought this Door Gym from Wal-Mart to do the pull-ups. It is suppose to hang over the door frame and press against the sides so no holes in the wall are necessary! Unfortunately, the doors in our apartment are extra wide so it doesn’t fit! Boo.

door gym

But I do like it for the push up aspect of it. My wrists always seem to hurt afterwards so it’s nice to have something to hold on to instead of just having your hands on the floor.

So for P90X, we’re not going in any particular order for the videos. We decided Sunday will be our rest day but I was craving a workout since it had been so long so we did the Ab Ripper X video. It’s only about 16 minutes long but you definitely feel the burn! It’s suppose to be used in conjunction with some of the other videos but we might just do it every Sunday. So far so good!

Ashley Update

Ashely has been eating healthy and working out! She said at the gym yesterday that her weight was 214! That’s 5 pounds down in a week! However, since we originally weighed her on my scale we’re going to have her come over to see if that matches up. We both won’t have time until Wednesday, so maybe she’ll be down even more than that by then! I’ll also give you a more thorough update on what she’s been eating and doing for exercising.

Alright, this grad student needs to go study for a mid-term this Friday! (It’s statistics and I need all the help I can get)
