New Motivation

I’m getting back in the groove of things — kinda.  I feel like I’ve been losing sight of my goals and making poor decisions in the moment.  I’m weak! I give in sometimes. But when I do, I always try to make up for it by doing better the next day, whether it be consuming less calories or actually doing the exercise that I was suppose to do.  Lately, my weight seemed to be going up instead of back down from eating too much and not working out this past week. However, I’m back down to my 129 weight I was a couple weeks ago.  I feel like that’s TWO WEEKS wasted.  I have barely 8 weeks left to reach my 120 lb goal.  I’m going to have to step up my game!

Monday meals:

Meal Food Calories
Breakfast Cereal 110
Almond milk 30
Snack Fiber One bar 90
Lunch Left over Roasted Chicken Cashew 180
Dinner Salad bar 250
Sushi (3 pieces) 145
2nd Dinner Fish Tacos (2) 400
Snack 2 slices of toast with butter 120
Total 1325

My meals don’t look too bad from yesterday. I did go over a little bit but I also ran 3.5 miles!

Just to give you a little food porn to drool over — check out the sushi I had Daniel get us from the grocery store:


It was delicious. All I can tell you is that there was salmon in it.  Gotta get those Omegas!

So, to hopefully get in the habit of working out more I bought myself some motivation: New running shoes!


They’re the Brooks Adrenaline. They’re so comfortable!  I had the Brooks Ravenna before, which are also good, but the support had worn down over the 1+ year I’ve been running in them so it was time for something new.  New workout attire always gets me motivated.

Daniel decided to retire his Vibrams (from our runs at least) and got himself some new shoes too!

Brooks 2X

I like how bright they are so I’ll always know where he is. They are also Brooks.  He claims they’re the most comfortable shoe his ever worn.

Hopefully we can get some more miles in this week with our new kicks!

Have you gotten something new this week? Or found new motivation?

Roses are Red

When I came back sunday night from the boating trip Daniel had a little surprise for me….


He’s always so sweet surprising me with flowers. Even when I was in Germany for a couple weeks with my family he ordered flowers to be sent to me.  I was shocked! I love having fresh flowers around. They brighten my day.  I just wanted to let you all know how lucky I am =)

Ok, now to business: FOOD!

Meal Food Calories
Breakfast Cereal 120
Skim 80
Snack 1 tortilla 101
Lunch Salad bar 324
Drink Soy iced white choc. Raspberry mocha 360
Dinner Tempura vegetables 270
1 sushi 44
Total 1299

My mocha was as many calories as a meal! I typically just drink chai lattes but I was craving something sweet. And in case you’re wondering, the newly weds had a lovely time on their mini-moon!  It was great catching up with them and hanging with my friends again. Yesterday was also mine and Daniel’s First Date Anniversary so after coffee with everyone we went back to where the magic happened at this delicious sushi restaurant called Green Tea. We split an order of the tempura vegetables and the diamond roll.



The tempura had cucumber, sweet potato, mushrooms, broccoli, and onion. After eating that I was so full I only had one piece of the sushi. The rest we ate today! The diamond roll has asparagus, spicy salmon, cream cheese, scallion, and chili sauce.  Amazing!

Ok I really need to buckle down. I have been going over my calorie intake for probably a week (or more)!!! I also have been failing to incorporate exercise. Yesterday, Daniel and I took a walk around the park but that doesn’t take much effort. Don’t worry though, I worked out today! I’ll give the details tomorrow.

As for the rest of my day I plan to finally get more progress done on my chairs. I’m going to attempt to return that 2-in-1 stain and get something more suitable for my needs. Who knew DIY was so much work. Pinterest makes it look so easy.