
Hey! My name is Rachel and I live in a lovely small town in Kansas, you know, where that awesome Kansas State University is? Yep, that’s the one. So I’m in my first year of grad school at my alma mater to acquire an MBA. A few little birdies told me to stay in school as long as possible so I’m taking their advice.


Anyway, while doing that to improve my future career I figured I should start improving myself.  You see, I haven’t been treating my body right. I’ve been consuming too many processed foods, eating dessert like it’s going out of style, and not working out. It’s time for a change.

Here’s some background info about me: I was a dancer K-12.  I was even on the dance team at a local studio and was practicing almost 10 hours a week.  It was the best workout of my life. Best of all, I could eat ANYTHING I wanted and not gain a pound. Then college happened, and my carefree diet didn’t change, but my weight did!  I was about 115 lb when I graduated high school. Five years later, I am now 20 pounds more. Yep, that’s embarrassing to admit my weight but it’s all about honesty on this site.  This is my new beginning to a healthier lifestyle and I want YOU to join me!

On Health My Lifestyle I post about what I eat, when I eat, my workouts, and any recipes I personally try and think you should too.  I’m making myself accountable now by having this blog.  Feel free to comment and share your own journey to being healthy, workout tips, or recipes.

If you’d like to know more about why I’m doing this and my goals you can read all about that in my first post appropriately titled “The Beginning”.

Thanks for the company!

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