Every song’s like new shoes, salads, cookin’ in the kitchen, running, exercise, this is healthy living..

We don’t care, we’re making pasta in our dreams! Oh, that’s not the lyrics to the Lorde song? My bad.

So where has the time gone?! I think about you all every day! And my laziness. And the fact that I should blog more. And workout more. And that I’m a failure. Ok, I’m being a little melodramatic. But I seriously need to step up my game. Can anybody lend me their time management skills? Mine are pretty much non-existent. Thanks!

I really have no excuse for not working out or blogging. In the evenings after I’ve finished my homework/studying… I just… I don’t even know! Time disappears. I end up watching Dexter or something with Daniel and before I know it, it’s bed time. I’m an old woman now so bed time comes early between 10 and 11 pm. In my undergrad days, it was never before midnight! My how times change.

Ok, so what have you been up to? Well I’ve been up to eating healthy! Just kidding. I’ve been attempting to eat more salads. Check out these tasties:

greek salad

Spinach salad with a greek spin. No olives but I added cucumber, tomatoes, feta, and some balsamic vinaigrette. So good!

fresh spinach salad with strawberries

This one was pretty much like the one above except with strawberries and raspberry vinaigrette. Sweet!

I’ve also been getting my fish on as well. Daniel has cooked us some tasty tilapia.

chipotle raspberry tilapia

We opted to make something easy by baking it with the Chipotle Raspberry Sauce like we did with the salmon here, but in foil in the oven at 400 degrees F. I think it was in there for 15-ish minutes. It was good but I think the sauce is even better with the salmon.

breaded tilapia

Daniel also wanted some breaded tilapia one night which I am all for. I made the bread mixture with Panko, corn flake crumbs, parsley, and lemon zest. It was nice and crispy.

home made chipotle

We also attempted to make our own version of Chipotle with rice, corn, black beans, sautéed veggies, salsa (homemade with tomatoes, cucumber, and onion), and shredded kale on top! We were out of cheese and didn’t have sour cream so I opted to spread some jalapeño Laughing Cow cream cheese on my tortilla. It was pretty good!

We’ve also had some not-so-healthy dinners.

fish tacos

These are THE BEST fish tacos you will ever have. From So Long Saloon in Manhattan. I love the crispy shell and the tasty sauce mixed in the with coleslaw on top. Oh it’s sooo good! We ordered them to go and ate them while we made the Chipotle Raspberry Black bean dip. I’m obsessed.

I’ve been trying to at least eat a healthier, more filling breakfast than my usual cereal. I’ve been meaning to try overnight oats. Ever heard of them? I think they’re a new trend but I first heard of them from Julie at pbfingers.com. Let me just say–they are so good!

overnight oats

I have yet to try them with fruit. I’ve mainly been sticking to pecans and Ghirardelli milk chocolate chips. It’s like dessert for breakfast! Definitely make them with chia seeds–they fill you up! I don’t get hungry at work in the mornings anymore when I eat this for breakfast. It’s amazing! I’m usually hungry two hours later after breakfast like clockwork.  On the days I forget to fix overnight oats the night before I just make hot oats with the same toppings. The chocolate melts and makes it so good. It’s only 70 for 16 chips 😉

Speaking of chia seeds. Now that I’ve had them I’ve started noticing them more in other items, like my tortilla chips!

chia seed tortilla

Yeah, Walgreens definitely brought the satisfaction. It made me feel a little better about eating the bean dip with these.

So remember when I bought new running shoes a couple months ago? I really liked them (the Brooks Adrenaline 13) but I felt they were too similar to my old Brooks Ravenas. Also, I accidentally bought the wide size so I had to tie them a lot tighter for them to fit the same snugness. I realized this after one time of wearing them indoors so I continued to wear my old shoes until I exchanged them for….. drum roll please….

The Brooks Ghost 6!

brooks ghost 6

They’re so light, comfortable, and still have good support! I’m going to try them out as is but if feel like I need more cushion I have some inserts I can use. They just fit my foot shape so much better. I’m in love.

brooks ghost 6

Just in case you couldn’t already tell how much of a loser I am, I took some glamour shots of my new shoes…

brooks ghost 6

I took a lot more than 3 photos but I’ll spare you. I’m so pumped to wear them. It’s been so long since I’ve gone running. I can’t wait to get back in the game! I also bought a tank top that matched my shoes… it was meant to be!

Alright, enough about food and shoes. My best friend Charissa is in town and I’m so excited! She’s been here all week and tonight we are reliving our days in the Ville, Aggieville that is (the bar district for all you non-Manhattan folk).  It shall be fun! She also bought some new running shoes the other day (we went shopping together) and she chose the new Brooks Adrenaline 14. They are awesome! Hopefully we can motivate each other to actually run in our new shoes! Wait, didn’t I say enough about shoes? Sorry!

Have you been getting your run on or shoe shopping? Or eating? I hope you’ve at least been eating!

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It’s OCTOBER! The best month ever. Fall is my favorite time of year.  Leaves change hues, pumpkins are everywhere, and mild weather make for a beautiful month. I still need to buy a pumpkin. And make/buy fall decorations. It’s happening.

So I’m not sure where the time went yesterday but 11PM came all too soon and I didn’t get a chance to blog.  It may have been due to the 4 episodes of Breaking Bad that Daniel and I watched yesterday.  We’re trying to catch up to the series finale! Don’t spoil it! We have 3 episodes left and will more than likely watch them tonight.

Ok so Sunday’s meals:

Meal Food Calories
Lunch Pulled pork sandwich with awesome sauce and coleslaw 350
Snack Caramel kettle corn 100
2 Pumpkin Scones 500
Dinner Raspberry Chipotle Salmon and stir fry 270
Snack veggies with ranch 50
Total 1270

Monday’s meals:

Meal Food Calories
Breakfast Corn flakes 90
Almond Milk 20
Snack Fiber One Bar 90
Plum 25
Drink Green tea with almond milk 10
Lunch Pulled pork, sauce, bun, coleslaw 350
Left over stir fry 40
Snack Caramel corn 100
Pumpkin scone 250
Dinner Stir fry 250
Snack Kudos bar 100
Total 1325

Not bad on calories considering I ate a few Pumpkin Scones…. that’s right, I made PUMPKIN SCONES! While watching the Chiefs game on Sunday I had a burning desire to bake something.  Maybe it was the sweet smell of my new butternut pumpkin candle (if it was edible, I would eat it). So I hopped on Pinterest to check out my options from sweets I had previously pinned.  I must say, it was a good choice, because they turned out amazing!

pumpkin scone

They’re not super big so I didn’t feel as guilty about eating them.  Here’ s the original recipe from Sweet Pea’s Kitchen.

pumpkin scone

pumpkin scone

Yeah, I took a lot of photos. They’re just so photogenic! I love scones.  After eating several the past couple days, I’ve noticed that they fill me up more than other sweets.  Yes, I was craving them.  But they did also offset my hunger compared to empty calories like chips or a cookie.

This batch made 12 and there’s one left!!!  They were popular on Sunday with our guests and of course Daniel and I have been snacking on them since.  I wish there was more…

Workout Recap

Sunday was my rest day. Ha. Aren’t most? But I did run yesterday! It was getting late so Daniel and I made a quick 3 mile trip around the park. Nothing too exciting though we did do a little speed work.  For some reason it was a lot harder last night for me to sprint than before. Maybe it was all of those scones weighing me down.

I really want to try CrossFit but it’s expensive so I think we’re going to possibly do P90x if we can find a way to get the DVDs.  However, K-State has a free CrossFit intro class that we plan to try out Saturday.  I at least want to see what it’s like but I’m pretty much ready for anything that builds strength.  I need something to hold me accountable like a class or schedule of some sort.  Trying to get motivated at home is hard.  If we do P90x we plan to set aside a certain time every day for it.

What do you do for strength training?

Now, go make pumpkin scones!

I’m going to attempt to motivate myself to do pushups.

Pumpkin Patch

Our outdoorsy day took a little different turn than what I mentioned yesterday.  We did go on a great run. FOUR miles! Instead of running around the park the whole time we swung around it and then up a hill. It was tough and once we made it up the hill we had to walk a little.  We went two miles and then turned around and ran the same route back.  It was a nice change up! And the downhill part was a breeze!

We ended up not going hiking in the Konza or mini golfing. Manhattan has an annual Pumpkin Patch that was going on and I did not want to miss it.  It’s not a typical drive out to a pumpkin patch with hay rides. It’s actually more of a craft show but with lots of pumpkins.  Most of it is outside so that was the outdoorsy part.  We ended up buying some fancy jam (dandelion and raspberry jalapeño), some candles (butternut pumpkin and hot orange danish), some earrings that perfectly matched the ring Daniel got me for my graduation last may (crazy awesome), and some caramel kettle corn. A successful day! And we ran into a lot of people we knew there.  It’s a popular place!

I’m currently warming my butternut pumpkin candle right now. It smells soooo good!  It’s not really a candle, it’s those wax melts that you use in Scentsy burners.  It officially smells like fall in my apartment. Now I just need some fall decorations! We were going to buy pumpkins but all of the big ones were gone by the time we got there.  It was the last day and the last hour.

Alright, back to calorie tracking. Saturday’s Meals:

Meal Food Calories
Lunch Pulled pork sandwich with awesome sauce and coleslaw 350
Snack Kudos bar 100
Peach, apple, pretzels, crackers and jam 30
Drink Grande Soy Chai Latte with pumpkin spice 260
Dinner Bolos Fajita Quesadilla 450
Drinks 2 beers and o bomb 250
Total 1440

The host of the Grad Student Association BBQ from Saturday was so generous in giving everyone some leftovers. In fact, we have enough to still eat more of it! He’s a second year grad student and a grill master! He made all the sauce himself.  There was a sweet bbq sauce and a spicy balsamic sauce.  I mixed them together. It was tasty!

pulled pork

I added coleslaw on top per his suggestion.  Apparently that’s a thing. Have you ever done that? It’s really good.

For dinner, Daniel and I were out and about aka Starbucks, which is right next to Coco Bolos, a local favorite that boast flavors from Gulf Coast South Texas and Southern New Mexico.  I hadn’t been there in a while and we were getting hungry.  Everything sounded good but I finally decided on the Bolos Fajita Quesadilla with chicken.  I let Daniel have one of my slices.  It was really filling and I couldn’t finish it all.

fajita quesadilla

I took an online test yesterday evening, so I of course needed some reward for doing it on a Saturday night.  Daniel and I decided to hit the bar scene with some of his friends. I had a couple beers and an O-bomb.  Definitely a nice relaxer after a 2 hour test and a nice end to a great outdoorsy-ish Saturday.

Alright, so I realized that I haven’t updated my measurements since I first took them back in July. Good news! I’ve actually lost some inches! I didn’t think it would really show since I’ve only lost about 5 lbs but that equals 6 inches off!

Measurements Before After Inches Lost
Neck 13.0 13.0 0.0
Waist 30.0 29.0 1.0
Love handles 36.5 35.5 1.0
Hips 39.0 38.0 1.0
Right thigh 23.5 22.5 1.0
Left thigh 23.5 22.5 1.0
Right calf 14.5 14.0 0.5
Left calf 14.5 14.0 0.5
Right arm 10.5 10.5 0.0
Left arm 10.5 10.5 0.0
Total Inches Lost     6.0

I forgot to measure my arms the first time so I just made my current measurement the original.  These are all measured at the widest part, while relaxed.  No flexing or sucking in. I’m happy to see some improvement!

Today, we have a couple people over to watch the Chiefs game. I have no commitments today and it feels so good! I can do whatever I want! Don’t you just love those days?

Anybody watching some football today? Or finally have a day to do whatever you want?

Back In Action

Wow. What a whirlwind week.  Let me recap:

Ok, I failed at keeping track of my calories… however, I am losing weight! I think the last time I said my weight was here back on September 10th where I claimed I was 129 again.  Ok, realistically I was probably at 129.4 or something. But this morning I was at exactly 129.0 which I haven’t been in a loooonnnngggg time.  I hope to get down to 128 this week! Maybe even 127 if I step up my game.  I realize that October is upon us and I only have about 5 weeks to get down to my goal of 120.  I thought I’d be doing better by now but I seem to be plateauing.

Food-wise, this week has been better than most.  I failed at keeping tracking of all my calories (too stressed to care), but I really didn’t have any sweets all week except for last night.  And most of my meals consisted of lots of veggies.  I made Spaghetti Squash again.  Of course adding lots of veggies and more squash to the sauce!

spaghetti squash sauce

spaghetti squash

I chopped up fresh veggies and snacked on them with a little ranch.

veggies and ranch

Daniel made a delicious lemon peppered Swai with Alfredo pasta.

lemon peppered swai

Daniel also made us a stir fry with the Bangkok Peanut Sauce again. Sans chicken this time.

thai peanut stir fry

And then in my rush between classes and work, I made these little guys as a snack/lunch.  A slice of bread with turkey slices, spinach, feta, and Chipotle Raspberry sauce. Tasty!

half sandwich snack

Last night, the Grad Student Association for the College of Business Administration was hosting a BBQ potluck for all the grad students.  I decided to make Southwest Chipotle Chicken Salad.  It turned out really good and everybody was complementing it.  I found the recipe on Facebook, a friend had posted the link.  I failed to get a picture of it, I was running late as usual. But it was delicious!  I followed the recipe pretty close except I used Southwest Chipotle spice instead of taco seasoning and didn’t add any cilantro. I would definitely make it again, but there was a lot of mayo in it.  Good thing everybody ate and I didn’t have to worry about bringing any home! Seriously people, it’s a party pleaser.

Oh, and for desserts, one of the girls made delicious chocolate cupcakes with a salted caramel frosting. So good! And then somebody had brought a variety cheesecake so I picked out one of turtle cheesecake slices.  I shared both of them with Daniel and actually ended up giving him the bigger halves.  Progress. Haha.

Ok, so my workouts this week consisted of running.  I went running Sunday for 3.5 miles.  And then Tuesday, as I mentioned earlier, I went on a trail run for 4.7 miles.  It was so much fun! There were a lot of little hills which made it a little challenging.  And the scenery was gorgeous! It might be our new Tuesday tradition. Other than that, I didn’t work out.  I can’t believe how time consuming it is to apply for internships and prepare for a Career Fair (which was my first time).  I hope it all pays off!

I would have had time last night to blog after the BBQ but Daniel and I wanted to have a nice quiet movie night.  After we cleaned of course. Haha.  Daniel claims I’m an extrovert now, because the moment we got home I went on a cleaning spree and had so much energy.  I have to argue that though, I don’t think it was the group gathering that gave me all the energy, it was the fact that the apartment needed to be cleaned and I finally had the time to do it.  I usually like to be alone to recharge my batteries, so to speak.

Are you an extrovert or an introvert?

Today, Daniel and I want to do a lot of out door activities to enjoy the weather before it turns cold.  We plan to go mini golfing, running, and possibly hike around the Konza Prairie.  Should be a fun day!

What are your Saturday plans?


Oh wow. I did not do well with my calories yesterday. Let’s take a gander:

Meal Food Calories
Breakfast Corn Flakes 100
Almond milk 30
Snack Fiber One Bar 90
A handful of peanuts 50
Drink Dirty Chai latte (chai with espresso) 250
Lunch Turkey Sandwich with spinach and laughing cow cheese 150
Snack Jelly beans 150
Dinner Almond Crusted Swai 395
Rice 80
Drinks Mixed drinks, beer 200
Drunk Snack Mac N Cheese Grilled Cheese Sandwich WITH bacon aka THE SANDWICH 400
Total 1895

I realize that I consume a lot of things that I don’t need.  Take the dirty chai latte, for example.  I mean, I was a little tired, but I didn’t really need to have it.  I almost equate lattes to sodas.  They’re empty calories.  Milk in a latte is a little more substantial than soda, but not much.  I just love lattes!  It’s not even that I need caffeine either. Sometimes just having something tasty to drink wakes me up.  However, I could try to drink them less.

I also obviously didn’t need all the alcoholic drinks either.  But, it was the weekend and I hadn’t hung out with my friend Corey in a couple weeks.  She’s always a blast!  It was a nice stress reliever going out on the town with her.

So this “Sandwich” that I have listed — there’s a story behind it. A year ago, Aggieville (the downtown shopping/bar district) put on a Chili Crawl.  The restaurants and bars there let you sample their versions of chili and offer cheap 7oz beers.  Corey invited me along for chili consumption, and then we were going to stay out for a fun night. Well after all the chili I decided I needed to have a nap in order to last the whole night so I went home for a couple hours.  Later when I came back out, Corey had been drinking the whole time.  She was pretty much gone. I’m not sure she even really knew I was there, haha! But I ushered her around the bars with me. Well, we got hungry.  And the donut shop had recently opened up a food truck behind it, so we decided to check it out.  They have donuts, corn dogs, and this SANDWICH.  I mean, it just sounds heavenly: Mac n’ Cheese Grilled Cheese Sandwich. And for an extra $1 you can add bacon (so of course we added bacon).  It’s the most fabulous thing you will ever taste.  We’ve dubbed it THE SANDWICH because it’s the only thing Corey remembered that night, haha! You know it’s good when that’s the only thing you recall from a night of partying.


The picture obviously doesn’t do it justice because you can’t see the mac n’ cheese or bacon in it. Photo fail. But I had every last satisfactory bite of it.

Here’s a little more of our night.  We’re about to take Belfast Bombs which is Guinness and Bailey’s. I’m not sure what Daniel is doing with his lips.  I ended up not being able to finish mine because it curdled. I can’t chug!

belfast bombs

Me, Daniel, Corey

And then we ran into our friend Knox, who started his own business, Aggieville Adventures, where he documents the shenanigans that go down in Aggieville.  He’s in the blue and our other friend Shaun was there too.

1274701_767771539905316_1615059444_o 1267230_767771523238651_1833863836_o

It was a fun night!

In the midst of all my bad decisions, I did have a few healthy things yesterday. Like the Almond Crusted Swai. It’s one of our favorites!  We didn’t add parmesan cheese this time so it was a little healthier.

almond crusted swai

Workout Recap

This doesn’t really balance out with everything I ate yesterday but I ran 4.6 miles! And I did some speed work on the last mile.  It felt good!  The weather was amazing for it. I went around 6pm and it was breezy and in the 70s so I didn’t get too hot.

So my Friday was pretty good. How was yours?!

Now, I’m finally gonna get a jump on all those things I said I would get done this weekend. And of course, I gotta watch the K-State game today!  Enjoy your saturday!

Lame Title for a Lame Post

Oh man peeps, first test as a grad student tomorrow! Wish me luck!

So another quick update!

Tuesday meals:

Meal Food Calories
Breakfast Toaster waffles and syrup 180
  fiber one bar 90
Lunch half mango 54
  Leftover veggie medley 100
  raw vegies and ranch 80
Dinner 1/2 Chipotle Vegetarian burrito bowl, chips, and guac 500
Snack almonds 180
Dessert Banana ice cream 140
Total   1324

I went over a bit on calories but I did run 3.5 miles last night!

No food photos this time but I do have an exciting meal to share with you tomorrow!

Sorry this post is super lame.  I’ll make it up to you, I promise! Goodnight ya’ll!!

Raspberry and Ribs

Good Monday evening to you! Let’s jump right into shall we? (This girl has some studying to do, ok, and maybe some Bloglovin’ to catch up on)

Sunday meals:

Meal Food Calories
Lunch Three ribs with Raspberry Chipotle sauce 382
Corn mixture 40
Cole slaw 30
Dessert Small piece of carrot cake 261
Drinks Grande White Chocolate Soy Mocha 330
Dinner Thai food and rice 300
Total 1343

My sister was in town showing her friend the nifty thrift shops and antique stores in and around the Manhattan area. I met up with them at my parents house for lunch where ribs awaited.  I think I have my parents hooked on the Raspberry Chipotle sauce as well because they had a fresh bottle in stock and I decided that would be tasty with the ribs. And I was right! I think I’m becoming addicted to it.  Also, my parents had carrot cake and I could not say no.  I had the tiniest sliver ever though!  And to be fair, I ate it before I reinstated no sweets for the week.  Ok ok, I know I’m just making excuses.  Maybe I should just starting thinking of sweets as drugs, just say no!

My sister had gone to a Thai restaurant the day before and had her left overs at my parents.  She didn’t want them sitting in the car for 2 hours on her drive back to KC so she let me have them.  I never turn down free Thai food!

Thai food

I think it was a green tofu curry and some chicken curry. Soo good!

Workout Recap:

Daniel and I ran 3.5 miles.  On the last mile we decided to mix it up with some speed work.  We run around the city park which is roughly 1.1 mile parameter.  It’s square so one length is about .25 mile. For last mile we decided to alternate walking and running on each length. Not jogging, RUNNING.  Like run as fast as you can for an endured amount of time.  I was running twice as fast as my normal pace probably. Just kidding, that’d be like 12 miles/hour and my pace is typically around 6 miles/hour or a 10 min mile.  I was probably running at around 8 or 9 miles/hour.  For the first half of the running lengths I was like “Oh, yeah, this feels great, I could do this forever,” but by the last quarter I was like “Oh man I’m gonna die!” I definitely needed that walking length in between the running to catch my breath.  Surprisingly, I think we ran the last mile faster than if we had just jogged it the whole time.  Or maybe it just seemed that way.  Next time I’ll try to time it!

When we got back from our run I knew I needed to do some strength training.  I’ve been putting off incorporating that into my workouts.  So I did like 10 pushups and 40 crunches.  Not exactly strength training.  I should start doing the 5 Day Workout Plan again.

Have you done any awesome strength training workouts lately? Or have you eaten any carrot cake lately?

New Motivation

I’m getting back in the groove of things — kinda.  I feel like I’ve been losing sight of my goals and making poor decisions in the moment.  I’m weak! I give in sometimes. But when I do, I always try to make up for it by doing better the next day, whether it be consuming less calories or actually doing the exercise that I was suppose to do.  Lately, my weight seemed to be going up instead of back down from eating too much and not working out this past week. However, I’m back down to my 129 weight I was a couple weeks ago.  I feel like that’s TWO WEEKS wasted.  I have barely 8 weeks left to reach my 120 lb goal.  I’m going to have to step up my game!

Monday meals:

Meal Food Calories
Breakfast Cereal 110
Almond milk 30
Snack Fiber One bar 90
Lunch Left over Roasted Chicken Cashew 180
Dinner Salad bar 250
Sushi (3 pieces) 145
2nd Dinner Fish Tacos (2) 400
Snack 2 slices of toast with butter 120
Total 1325

My meals don’t look too bad from yesterday. I did go over a little bit but I also ran 3.5 miles!

Just to give you a little food porn to drool over — check out the sushi I had Daniel get us from the grocery store:


It was delicious. All I can tell you is that there was salmon in it.  Gotta get those Omegas!

So, to hopefully get in the habit of working out more I bought myself some motivation: New running shoes!


They’re the Brooks Adrenaline. They’re so comfortable!  I had the Brooks Ravenna before, which are also good, but the support had worn down over the 1+ year I’ve been running in them so it was time for something new.  New workout attire always gets me motivated.

Daniel decided to retire his Vibrams (from our runs at least) and got himself some new shoes too!

Brooks 2X

I like how bright they are so I’ll always know where he is. They are also Brooks.  He claims they’re the most comfortable shoe his ever worn.

Hopefully we can get some more miles in this week with our new kicks!

Have you gotten something new this week? Or found new motivation?

Hungry for Harry’s

I have no idea where the time went yesterday but I failed to post! I also failed to get any pictures of my meals. But I did get this:

surprise flowers

I’m really oblivious to my surroundings apparently. I got home from work and rushing to get ready for class, I walk in, set my stuff down, go to the sink and wash my hands, look at the counter and think “man, I need to clean,” then finally notice in my peripherals that the flowers are sitting there. My bad. They came with a sweet note too! Yep, he’s a keeper. =)

Thursday’s meals:

Meal Food Calories
Breakfast Corn Flakes 100
Almond Milk 40
Lunch Salad and veggie wrap 300
Snack Chips and Peach & mango jalapeno jam 100
Dinner 5 tacos 550
Total 1090

I can’t remember what all I ate but I feel like I’m forgetting something…. anyways, pretty boring. Made an easy lunch to take to work, then for dinner we had those 50 cent tacos from Porter’s Bar and Deli. We hadn’t gone there in a couple weeks.

Now for Friday’s meals:

Meal Food Calories
Breakfast Corn Flakes 100
Almond Milk 40
Snack Banana 100
Lunch Bagel thin veggie sandwich 270
Snack half Luna bar 120
Dinner Crab cakes 192
Roasted Chicken Cashew 250
Bites of Daniel’s Pork Roulade 50
Dessert 1/2 Chocolate Chip Cheesecake 250
Drinks Pineapple juice and Malibu 150
Total 1522

I feel like it should be more calories considering how much I ate for dinner but I guess I didn’t eat too much before that.

So for dinner, Daniel decided to take me to Harry’s, a local fine dining restaurant in the historic Wareham Hotel. I only go there with my parents (because they pay! haha) but it is amazing and worth the price! They’ve changed up their menu since I was last there and my usual Chicken Gouda pasta dish was not listed so I decided was forced to try something new. I went with the Roasted Chicken Cashew and it is divine. The chicken breast is on a bed of rice with a sweet ginger soy sauce, a broth of pecan bacon cashews, and topped with fried leeks. I was not disappointed!

Roasted Chicken Cashew

Going a little out of order, I LOVE the crab cakes there for an appetizer. I don’t think I can go there without getting them. I used to not be a big fan of seafood.  These crab cakes were the beginning of a new love for me and I hold them dearly in my heart.

crab cakes

Ever since I fell in love with crab cakes, I’ve made a point to try them at most restaurants when I see them, and not being bias, these are STILL the BEST crab cakes I have EVER had. I’m salivating about them right now.  I love the crispiness and the shredded crab in it and the SAUCE! Let me tell you about the sauce.  Straight from the menu “jalapeño béchamel, sriracha and red pepper aioli sauce.” If I knew what that all meant, I would recreate it.  All I got was the sriracha part.

For Daniel’s dinner he ordered the Pork Roulade. Also a good choice! Look at that mountain! Excuse the blurry photo (Daniel took it).

pork roulade

The port is stuffed with shrimp, crab, and a spinach sauce and sits on a base of mashed potatoes with a yummy curry sauce and topped with spinach. What more could you want?

Now for dessert, they don’t just have any old dessert menu. They bring you a display of the desserts and tell you about each one.  We went with the chocolate chip cheesecake.  Heaven. Pure heaven.

chocolate chip cheesecake

As for working out, we didn’t get around to it on Thursday but we did going running on Friday before dinner! Just two miles though. It was HOT and we were dying. And, you know, getting hungry for the delicious meal that awaited us at Harry’s.

Today, we’re headed to KC to see a tribute band concert of Journey, Eric Clapton, Tom Petty, and Fleetwood Mac.  I’m going with my parents, my sister Sarah, and her hubby Joosung. Should be fun!

Anybody have an awesome meal some where or have fun weekend plans?

Whirlwind Weekend

Sunday was busier than expected! After leaving KC we spent some time with Daniel’s family in Topeka and then invited friends over to our place for a little impromptu get-together that evening.

So I ate a lot that I shouldn’t have on Saturday. Instead of calculating all the calories, let’s just assume it was well over what I should have had. Emily had made a delicious pizza for her birthday party. She also provided fresh veggies with dip and chips. That morning at the farmer’s market I picked up some Peach & Mango Jalapeño Jam to make into a dip for the party.  I used half the jar with a package of cream cheese. Initially I was just gonna layer the jam on top of the cream cheese but I had suggestions to mix it. It’s not as pretty, but it was definitely tasty!

Peach & Mango Jalapeno Jam

For dessert, Sarah made Emily a Better Than Sex Cake. It’s Devil’s Food Cake saturated in a caramel cream, covered in whip cream, and sprinkled with Heath Bar.  I’d totally pick that cake over sex, it was THAT good! I helped myself to some hefty portions.  Unfortunately, I don’t think I took any pictures of it but if you google it you’ll find lots of food porn to enjoy.

For the party, Emily’s friend promised her a piñata.  Here’s Margaret the piñata. She’s full of candy and shots. Miniature alcohol shots, that is.


Malibu shot

Here’s me with Emily and Sarah (bad lighting)


It was so much fun!

Now a quick recap of Sunday. I tried to do better by eating subway for lunch. However, Daniel’s sister Kelly had made some cinnamon scones so I split one of those with Daniel. Then for dinner I ate the last slice of pizza left. And with friends over, I consumed some beers and margaritas. That was my Sunday.

Weekly Wrap-Up Time!

Weekly Wrap-Up

I estimated Saturday’s calories again just to get an idea how much it skewed my average. I was doing pretty good all week except for Thursday and Saturday. I need to cut back on the pizza and cake! Anyways, I better head to bed. My first day of work is tomorrow! Goodnight!